About US

Our Story

At Multi Threaded, we create tech fashion that celebrates women in software and increases awareness of tech as an interesting career for other women to pursue.

Feminine tech swag helps women showcase their hard-earned skills and shows the world that genius and style actually can go together.

Made for engineers by an engineer.

About Kiersten

After starting my software engineering career at Microsoft, I now work in Utah writing a lot of Golang and SQL.

Over the course of my career, I have always wished that there was some more feminine software swag out there.

First, because I’m proud to be an engineer and I want to celebrate that in my own kind of style.

And second, because I want to normalize the idea of women being in engineering. It’s such an awesome career for women, and especially moms, but it’s not often the first thing we tend to think of when choosing a field of work.

My hope is that if more female engineers are actively visible to other girls and women, then we can inspire more women to consider careers in engineering and tech!

We’re Giving Back

We mean it when we say that we want to close the gender gap in tech.

We believe that the biggest potential impact is in inspiring the next generation of women to understand and explore the benefits of a career in tech. And to embolden them with the confidence to give it a go.

10% of all profits are donated to Girls Who Code, a non-profit organization working to help more girls learn tech skills and navigate their way into tech careers.

All kids deserve the opportunities and resources to learn about programming and Girls Who Code is helping to pave the way by providing resources and education to groups who have been traditionally underrepresented in the technology industry.